Friday, August 10, 2012

Kickstarter, Y U MAKE ME BROKE?!

I apologize for the unnecessary hiatus. I've just been way too lazy to do anything good. D: the horror! Now, about the title. I believe I've spent RM600 +/- on items on kickstarter. I hope you know what is all about, but if you don't, it's very simple, crowdfunding. It might take me forever to explain, so get clicking over to to find out more. I'd like to highlight a couple of items I've purchased.

Printing with light!


This was the 1st project I backed & I have to say, it looks amazing. I don't have an iphone,
 but my brother has one, so I use the app to convert the pictures to a negative and get to work!
Sadly the project has been funded, so keep up with's website for updates when sales are open to the public :)

Charge Card


 It's a charger cable, as slim as a card which you can put into your wallet, so you don't have to worry about carrying a cable around. Quick! Only 17 days left to pledge and to get a charge card! 
 They also ship internationally ;) 

Duck Quest


I love Louie Zong's work. I pledged 5$ to this project & I think I'm gonna ask for a caricature of myself. 21 days left to to pledge for Duck Quest & be handsomely rewarded! ;) 

Roll Pro


 This project got reached its funding goal last night. After showing this to my mum, she said I could actually make it lol. However, I don't sewing skills, boo hoo. Nevertheless, great investment :)

Time for me to stop shopping online, because I'm saving up to travel! 

Kickstarter, Y U MAKE ME BROKE?!

I apologize for the unnecessary hiatus. I've just been way too lazy to do anything good. D: the horror! Now, about the title. I believe I've spent RM600 +/- on items on kickstarter. I hope you know what is all about, but if you don't, it's very simple, crowdfunding. It might take me forever to explain, so get clicking over to to find out more. I'd like to highlight a couple of items I've purchased.

Printing with light!


This was the 1st project I backed & I have to say, it looks amazing. I don't have an iphone,
 but my brother has one, so I use the app to convert the pictures to a negative and get to work!
Sadly the project has been funded, so keep up with's website for updates when sales are open to the public :)

Charge Card


 It's a charger cable, as slim as a card which you can put into your wallet, so you don't have to worry about carrying a cable around. Quick! Only 17 days left to pledge and to get a charge card! 
 They also ship internationally ;) 

Duck Quest


I love Louie Zong's work. I pledged 5$ to this project & I think I'm gonna ask for a caricature of myself. 21 days left to to pledge for Duck Quest & be handsomely rewarded! ;) 

Roll Pro


 This project got reached its funding goal last night. After showing this to my mum, she said I could actually make it lol. However, I don't sewing skills, boo hoo. Nevertheless, great investment :)

Time for me to stop shopping online, because I'm saving up to travel!