Printing with light!
This was the 1st project I backed & I have to say, it looks amazing. I don't have an iphone,
but my brother has one, so I use the app to convert the pictures to a negative and get to work!
Sadly the project has been funded, so keep up with's website for updates when sales are open to the public :)
Charge Card
It's a charger cable, as slim as a card which you can put into your wallet, so you don't have to worry about carrying a cable around. Quick! Only 17 days left to pledge and to get a charge card!
They also ship internationally ;)
Duck Quest
I love Louie Zong's work. I pledged 5$ to this project & I think I'm gonna ask for a caricature of myself. 21 days left to to pledge for Duck Quest & be handsomely rewarded! ;)
Roll Pro
This project got reached its funding goal last night. After showing this to my mum, she said I could actually make it lol. However, I don't sewing skills, boo hoo. Nevertheless, great investment :)
Time for me to stop shopping online, because I'm saving up to travel!